Get additional information about your visitors during chats.
Developed by LiveChat
Works with   LiveChat

The FullContact integration provides additional data about your chat visitors right in the LiveChat widnow. No need for switching the apps. As a result, you will be able to provide personalized assitance and deliver efficient customer service.

FullContact is an online contact management solution. This API suite allows your business to gather more information about customers and leads.

Thanks to it, you are able to connect data keys associated with a person's email address, phone number, company domain or social profiles and get a complete customer profile. After gathering information, FullContact stores contacts securely. From here, it keeps these profiles up-to-date with monthly or daily updates. By monitoring public social media and photos, the FullContact’s activity log feature keeps feeding new information back into stored contact profiles.

Key Features

Customer information in the chat agent app
Gain additional info like for which organization your customers are working for and what they are responsible for in their job. All that it takes is your customers' email. We will take care of the rest.
Easy installation
Don't get yourself busy with the installation process – with our step-by-step tutorial and the straight-forward settings panel, all you have to do is to copy and paste your API key. As simple as that.


Make personalization a priority in customer service
Easily access all of the publicly-available information of customers, such as their social media profiles - then use this data to provide more personalized support.
Leverage the personal information to aid sales
Access valuable information on your visitors straight from the LiveChat agent app.
Win more returning customers

With LiveChat, you can have a direct contact with a customer that allows you to maintain and improve loyalty to your brand.

Tutorial & Support

App tutorial and setup instructions how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account.
To get help and support contact LiveChat. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of FullContact.
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