Chat Translator
Chat Translator
Translate chats in real time into any language.
$2 / mo, per agent
Developed by LiveChat
Works with   LiveChat

Chat Translator is a simple but powerful application that supports over 100+ languages and can translate any chat to your native language in real-time.

From now on, you can deal with clients from all around the world!

Key Features

Translate Chats
Use this application to translate chats in real time
Built-in translator
You can use built-in translator directly in LiveChat application.


Handle all chats
With this integration, you can easily translate all messages during your conversation.

Tutorial & Support

App tutorial and setup instructions how to use and properly configure this app with your LiveChat account.
To get help and support contact LiveChat. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Chat Translator.
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