Goals Tracker
Goals Tracker
Application for helping agents to add and update goals in chats.
Developed by LiveChat
Works with   LiveChat

Goals tracker is the easiest way to add e-commerce possibilities to your chat. Tacking your goals is a key to success in e-commerce world

With this application you can add new goals, create reports and mark chats that completed your goals. With just a few clicks you can mark chats that completed your goals.

Application can be used as chat action during conversation. Click on the three dots that appear on right-top side of chat. Goals Tracker will be available as one of the options there.

Key Features

Add Goals
Create new goals for your application
Complete Goals
Mark chats that completed your goals


Improve your sales
With this application you can generate reports that can be helpful in creating new strategies for your sales team.
Track your goals
Tacking your goals is a key to success in e-commerce world

Tutorial & Support

To get help and support contact LiveChat. You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Goals Tracker.
More by this developer
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