Good To Know
Good To Know
Displays information about visitors on your page.
$1.99 / mo, per license
Works with   LiveChat

Add Good To Know to LiveChat to get additonal data about your customers. The app lets you check:

  • the time a visitor entered your site
  • when was the last time they visited you
  • how many times they visited you
  • which page they are browsing now
  • a visitor’s location, city, and timezone
  • page views

Key Features

Display visitors location
Good To Know shows how visitors are distributed on the map. Thanks to it, you can tailor your service to clients coming from specific countries and regions.
Check which pages enjoy a growing popularity

Check which of your products attract the biggest number of visitors. Knowing that you can focus your efforts on pages that have the highest conversion rates.


Bump your sales up
With LiveChat, you won’t miss any potential client anymore. The application lets you approach visitors directly on your site by sending chat invitations. Help customers solve their problems and advise while choosing a product. Make sure they can complete the purchasing process under your watchful eye.
Offer personalized assistance
Detailed information about customers lets you provide fast and personalized help. With tailored and efficient service, you can enhance customer trust and earn more thanks to a larger group of regular customers.

Tutorial & Support

To get help and support contact . You can also suggest improvements or request new features in the upcoming versions of Good To Know.
Get LiveChat App
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