How to find out what your customers need? All customers are unique and different.


All customers are unique and different. Some of them want to have their issues fixed real quick (no explanation needed), while others expect a detailed description of what went wrong, how you fixed it and what if it happens in the future (am I right?).

There are as many approaches as customers. If you adjust the right approach to each customer, you will get good results. Learn how to get into customers’ brains and solve their cases better!



Answering customers’ questions on a chat is only a part of your job. If you want to be a chatting Support Hero, act more like a therapist: ask your customers the right questions. It’s the best way to get to the bottom of their issues. You can also ask them for a screenshot, but where’s the fun in that?

See how LiveChat Support Heroes solve customers’ cases more quickly. Watch #4 Episode of “Are You a Human?” and find out!

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How to approach customers in sales and in support

There’s no single right way to approach a customer. Your website visitors are unique; each of them requires a different approach. One prefers fast solutions while others want to have everything explained slowly.

Agents who adjust their approach to different cases and customers are the ones who get the best results. Check out two guides on how to approach customers in both sales and support situations!

5 types of customers
in sales situations

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5 types of customers
in support situations

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What's new for you

The Home section is what you see once you log in to the LiveChat app. It shows all the important metrics you work hard for. Besides checking online visitors, ongoing chats and unassigned tickets, you can see the reports from the last 7 days to monitor your goals, customer satisfaction or sales you made with LiveChat.

It’s all there in one place!

Home section overview

If you feel like you know LiveChat too little and would love to get to the bottom of its hidden features, this might be interesting for you. Our Partners from the Chat Shop offer trainings in form of a single, interactive video call.

Choose what’s best for you:

LiveChat training for beginners

1 hour training in form of interactive video call that introduces LiveChat software and best practices.

LiveChat training for intermediate

4 hour training that upskills chat agents through analysis of business goals and brand promises that you can build, monitor and deliver on chat.

Special deal: 10% discount for each course until June 12th.

See the courses


Check out our Support Heroes top reading picks this month! Get some inspiration for delivering better service and relax a little by reading funny stories.

How to look into your customers’ brains »

Besides listening, the best way to find out what your customers need is to ask the right questions. Learn how to look into your customers’ brains and how to recognize their emotional needs.

Do angry customers get more money from customer service agents? New research »

Study shows cultural diversity, along with the anger level of customers, impacts final outcomes of service complaints.
Do you lean into their anger and get them what they want? Or maybe you’re more likely to compensate those who keep their emotions in check?

Coffee Shop Manager Shares Her 9 Worst Client Stories »

How do your agents react to emotional cases? Do they give in to customer’s anger? Or maybe they’re more likely to compensate those who keep their emotions in check? The new research shows the intensity of customer’s anger, combined with the agents’ social position, influences the final outcome.